
Hi! I'm Megan Mohler; the creator, founder and owner of Fur Baby Beds.

I hand crochet each fur baby bed custom to fit what you're looking for specifically for your fur baby. I do not keep a stock/inventory on hand as I like to make each one special and with your fur baby in mind.

I came up with the idea to start making the beds when I was completing another project using the same yarn. One of my kitties wouldn't stay off of it; she was constantly laying on my yarn and kneading it because of how soft it was! I came up with a quick solution to make a bed for her so I could finish what I was working on without her interference!

The beds seemed to be magnets for both our cats and our dogs and I really enjoyed making them; case in point... I decided to start taking custom orders so your fur babies could get in on the snuggle action!


Our Fur Babies


Tigger sitting on my pillow case project 


 Lily & Benny - best buds   


Camo being Camo


All profits go to helping us continue to save for our dream homestead property where we will be able to help provide fresh organic and affordable food to local families! All profits also help us launch my husband's music ministry which will enable us to share the gospel and love of Jesus with thousands!